
The websites under, including the KICKPros Android and iPhone apps, and their services are offered by:

Stephan Wagner
Augsburg, Germany
Phone: +49 176 45783473

Responsible for Content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Stephan Wagner
Augsburg, Germany

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The websites and services of KICKPros are created with the utmost care and updated regularly. The update process on our sites (particularly game results, points, and highscores) is mainly managed by automated programs using external services like API-Football.

Despite careful monitoring, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the provided information. KICKPros cannot be held liable for any tangible or intangible damages arising from the direct or indirect use of this website or its applications.

Leagues and Clubs

KICKPros has no official affiliation with any football national league or the teams thereof. Team logos, icons, and names used on KICKPros are designed to be similar to the official ones for user convenience.

If you believe we have violated copyright or trademark rights, please contact us at


This website uses the IP2Location LITE database, available at