Statement of Rights and Responsibilities

Last updated on August 17, 2024

This Statement of Rights and Responsibilities ("Terms") serves as our terms and conditions. By using KICKPros or accessing its services, you agree to these terms, as well as any updates published in the "Changes" section.

  1. Privacy

    Your privacy is important to us. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for detailed information on how we collect, use, and protect your data. We strongly encourage you to read it.

  2. Security

    We strive to maintain the security of KICKPros, but no system can be guaranteed as completely secure. You have important responsibilities to help protect your account and our community:

    • You will not post unauthorized commercial communications (such as spam) on KICKPros.
    • You will not collect login credentials or access another user's account without permission.
    • You will not harass, intimidate, or bully other users.
    • You will not post content that contains hate speech, threats, pornography, or incites violence.
    • You will not use KICKPros for unlawful, deceptive, malicious, or discriminatory activities.
    • You will not engage in activities that could disrupt the operation of KICKPros, such as denial-of-service attacks.
    • You will not encourage or support any violations of these terms or our guidelines.
  3. Account Registration and Security

    When registering and maintaining your KICKPros account, you agree to the following:

    • You will register only one personal account.
    • You will not create an account on behalf of someone else without their permission.
    • If your account is disabled or suspended, you will not create another one without our explicit permission.
    • You must be at least 16 years old to use KICKPros. If you are under 16, you may only use KICKPros with your parent’s or legal guardian's consent.
  4. Respecting Other Users' Rights

    We respect the rights of others and expect you to do the same. You agree that:

    • You will not post content or engage in activities on KICKPros that violate the rights of others or break the law.
    • We reserve the right to remove any content or information you share on KICKPros if we believe it violates this agreement or our policies.
  5. Changes

    We may modify these Terms at any time. We will notify you of any significant changes via this page, with at least two weeks' notice before the changes take effect. Your continued use of KICKPros after the changes go into effect constitutes your acceptance of the updated terms.

  6. Termination

    If you violate these Terms or create potential legal risks for us, we may terminate or suspend your access to KICKPros, either partially or fully. We will notify you via email or when you attempt to access your account.

    You may also delete your account at any time. If you delete your account, these Terms will no longer apply. However, you understand that some content may remain in backup copies for a limited time, though it will not be accessible to others.